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Journal papers
(The underline indicates corresponding author)
[16] Weng, X., Xia, Q., Chiu, T. K. F. & Wan, Z. H. (accepted). Satisfying higher education students’ psychological needs through case-based instruction for fostering creativity and entrepreneurship. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications.
[15] Weng, X., Gu, M. M., Xia, Q., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2025). SWOT analysis of Al empowered entrepreneurship education: Insights from digital learners in higher education. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 101763.
[14] Weng, X., Xia, Q., Zubair A., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2024). Personality traits for self-regulated learning with generative artificial intelligence: The case of ChatGPT. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence, 7, 100315.
[13] Weng, X., Xia, Q., Gu, M. M., Kumaran Rajaram, & Chiu, T. K. F. (2024). Assessment and learning outcomes for generative AI in higher education: A scoping review on current research status and trends. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 40(6), 37–55.
[12] Hooshyar, D., Weng, X., Sillat, P., Tammets, K., Wang, M., & Hämäläinen, R. (2024), The effectiveness of personalized technology-enhanced learning for university student learning outcomes: A meta‑analysis with association rule mining, Computers & Education, 105169.
[11] Weng, X., Ye, H., Dai, Y., & Ng, O. (2024), Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Computational Thinking in educational contexts: A systematic review of instructional design and student learning outcomes, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 07356331241248686.
[10] Xia, Q., Weng, X., Fan, O., Lin, T., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2024). A scoping review on how generative Artificial Intelligence transform assessment in higher education, International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 21(1), 40.
[9] Weng, X., Ng, O., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2023), Competency development of pre-service teachers during video-based learning: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis, Computers & Education, 199, 104790.
[8] Weng, X., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2023), The mediating effects of engagement on the relationship between perceived digital inquiry and creativity, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 56(4), 431–443.
[7] Weng, X., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2023), Instructional design and learning outcomes of intelligent computer assisted language learning: Systematic review in the field, Computers & Education: Artificial Intelligence, 4, 100117.
[6] Weng, X., Ng, O., Cui, Z., & Leung, S. K. Y. (2022), Creativity development with problem-based digital making and block-based programming for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics learning in middle school contexts, Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(2), 304–328.
[5] Weng, X., Chiu, T. K. F., & Tsang C. C. (2022). Promoting student creativity and entrepreneurship through real-world problem-based Maker education, Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45, 101046.
[4] Weng, X., Cui, Z., Ng, O., Jong, M. S. Y., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2022). Characterizing students’ 4C skills development during problem-based digital making, Journal of Science Education and Technology, 31(3), 372–385.
[3] Weng, X., Chiu, T. K. F., & Jong, M. S. Y. (2022). Applying relatedness to explain learning outcomes of STEM maker activities, Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 800569.
[2] Li, T., Zou, D., Weng, X., Wang, M., Xie, H., & Wang, F. L. (2020). Acceptance and implications of smartphones for informal language learning in foreign study tours. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation, 14(4), 456–477.
[1] Weng, X., Xie, H., & Wong, G. K. W. (2019). Guiding principles of visual-based programming for children's language learning. International Journal of Services and Standards, 12(3–4), 275–292.
Book Chapters
[2] Xia, Q., Zhou, X., Weng, X., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2022). Teacher support and student engagement in digital learning, Hong Kong Association for Educational Communications and Technology (HKAECT) International Conference, Hong Kong.
[1] Weng, X., Xie, H., & Cai, Y. (2018). Assessment framework of English language proficiency for talent seeking platforms at Pearl River Delta region. In International Symposium on Emerging Technologies for Education (pp. 149-155). Springer, Cham.
Book Reviews
[1] Weng, X., Jong, M. S. Y., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2020). Smart learning environments – lecture notes in educational technology. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology (ISSN: 2306-0212), 20(1).
Conference papers
[14] Chang, W., Weng, X. & Xiao, C. (Accepted, 2025). Integrating GenAI Prompt Creation into College EFL Writing Instruction: Voice from Students, In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, USA.
[13] Toomla, K., Weng, X., Kikas, E., Malleus-Kotšegarov, E., Aus, K., Azevedo, R. & Hooshyar, D. (Accepted, 2025). Measuring (meta)emotion, (meta)motivation, and (meta)cognition using digital trace data: A systematic review, The 40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2025): Artificial Intelligence for Education, Sicily, Italy.
[12] Weng, X. (2024). Creating GPT bot for enhancing English writing: case study of a university teacher. International Symposium on Language Sciences (ISLS): Interdisciplinary Research and the Legacy of Yuen Ren Chao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
[11] Weng, X., & Ng, O. (2023). Investigating student teacher self-regulated learning during reflective video incorporated professional development, International Conference on Learning and Teaching for Future Readiness (ICLT), EdUHK, Hong Kong.
[10] Weng, X., & Ng, O. (2022). Learning support for prospective teacher reflective video integration from the perspective of self-determination theory, CUHK Teaching and Learning Innovation Expo 2022, Hong Kong.
[9] Jong, M. S. Y., Chen, G., Tam, V. W., Hue, M. T., Chen, M., & Weng, X. (2021). Gamification of flipped classroom: FIBER Vs. G-FIBER. In International Symposium on Educational Technology (ISET) (pp. 270-274). IEEE, virtual conference.
[8] Weng, X., Chiu, T. K. F., & Jong, M. S. Y. (2021). Promoting integrated STEM education: Effectiveness of Making and Making with mentoring instruction, In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting on American Educational Research Association (AERA), virtual conference.
[7] Cui, Z., Ng, O., Jong, M. S. Y., Weng, X., Cheung, A. (2021). Exploring middle school students’ in-moment engagement with online problem-based learning. The 25th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education, blended mode.
[6] Weng, X., Jong, M. S. Y., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2020). Implementation challenges of STEM education: From teachers’ perspective, The 28th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), virtual conference.
[5] Weng, X., Jong, M. S. Y., & Chiu, T. K. F. (2020). Effects of gamification on undergraduate students with different learning styles, The 24th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), Lanzhou, China.
[4] Weng, X., Wang, M., & Jong, M. S. Y. (2019). An investigation of elementary students’ attitude towards STEM education, The 23rd Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), Wuhan, China.
[3] Weng, X., Chai, C. S., Jong, M. S. Y., & Wong, G. K. W. (2018). Perceptions of teacher and students towards integrating Computational Thinking into language education: A pilot study, The 26th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Manila, Philippines.
[2] Weng, X. (2018). Students’ attitude changes through integrating Computational Thinking into English dialogue learning, The International Conference on Computational Thinking Education (CTE), Hong Kong.
[1] Weng, X., & Wong, G. K. W. (2017). Integrating Computational Thinking into English dialogue learning through graphical programming tool. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Teaching, Assessment and Learning in Engineering (TALE), IEEE, Hong Kong.
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